


P.O. Box 2
200 West Center Street
Galax, VA 24333

Pastor - Dr. Thomas J. Whartenby
Minister of Music - Mary Elizabeth Whartenby

Weekly Sunday Services     Sunday School 10 a.m.     Worship 11 a.m.


Church Service Links
Click on the link below to go to our new YouTube Media page to view live and archived videos of Sunday School and worship services.

 Galax Presbyterian Media - YouTube

Click on the link below to go to our Facebook Media page to view archived videos of Sunday School and worship services. We can no longer transmit live through Facebook due to new streaming restrictions implemented by Facebook on June 10, 2024.

 Galax Presbyterian Media - Facebook
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Brief History

Presbyterian Church U.S.A

One Great Hour of Sharing

How can I make a difference in a broken world?

Dr. Tom Whartenby's Lecture on the Birth of the King James Bible
Galax-Carroll Regional Library Lecture Series, Monday, Feb. 3rd, 2020

Birth of the King James Bible - Part I
(Due to audio difficulties a reading of Psalm 23 at the beginning of the lecture was not recorded)

Birth of the King James Bible - Part II

Stained Glass Cross


As he comes to the end of his Sermon on the Mount, a sermon in which he lays out in detail what it means to follow him, Jesus issues a warning.

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves." These are those who cry out, "Lord, Lord" to Jesus, but do not do what he says. These are those who put forth their agenda and claim that it is Jesus' agenda. These are those who say, "...did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?" To which Jesus responded, " I never knew you; go away from me, you evil doers."

Why does Jesus condemn those folks? Because they are ravenous wolves, clothed like sheep. On the outside they say Jesus this and Jesus that, but on the inside they exploit God's children while claiming to save them.

"You will know them by their fruits," Jesus tells us. What are these "fruits"? Go back and read the sermon that he just preached. People who live like this are those bearing good fruit. People talking like Christians but acting like pagans are those bearing bad fruit.

Those who call out to Jesus, "Lord, Lord", but who ignore his teachings in the Sermon on the Mount, are ravenous wolves. They are false prophets. May God give us the wisdom to reject them, and may He give us the grace to hear Jesus' words and keep them. "Grant us wisdom; grant us courage for the living of these days."


"Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire."

Matthew 7:19


March 17th - Robert Lazo
Lisa Whitlock Lyons
Meg O'Connor
March 19th - David Whartenby
March 21st - Melissa Gambill
Ninnan Martin
March 25th - Jerry Cook
March 26th - Carolyn Bolen
March 27th - Lauren Lastinger
March 31st - Lindsay Caudell

Announcements and Coming Events: 

Family Pancake Breakfast, Sunday March 16th, 8:45 a.m. in Warrick Hall

The Presbyterian Women are accepting donations for the family to whom they are providing financial support. If you wish to contribute, please make out a check to the Presbyterian Women and drop it in the collection plate, or you can mail a check to the church at P.O. Box 2, Galax, VA 24333

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